About Us


6VT Youth Café is located in the old town of Edinburgh. It attracts young people city wide from a wide mix of backgrounds. The service is open 52 weeks of the year, 5 days a week. Our hours of operation extend way past that of most other traditional youth provision providing supports at time when many young people find themselves in a vulnerable position. As a purpose designed youth café we provide a quality, safe environment for young people to come together to access a range of services and personal development opportunities which motivate and inspire them to improve their lives and of those around them and to develop to the best of their potential.
An important benefit of the service is our ground breaking hybrid integrated approach to working - a combination of youth and social workers with specialised practitioners so offering a centralised "one stop shop" which successfully attracts a service user group that few youth work services manage to engage. For some young people we are a positive social networking and learning service, whilst for others it is their key means of support and development and for the majority it is safe diversionary service.
6VT has gone from strength to strength over the past 30 years attracting a footfall of over 180000 young people. Our success is evident by the high level of young people we have sustained in our service.
6VT Youth Cafe has universal and targeted provisions for children and young people 0-25 years of age.
Click below for a PDF download of Leading the Way for Youth - a record of activties and achievements of Edinburgh City Youth Cafe from our 21 years of operation.